From Red Candy With Love...

From Red Candy With Love...
Whether male or female, often the best way to a loved-one's heart is through their stomach. If you're passionate about baking and cooking or if you just want to surprise your beau (who's passionate about eating) with something delicious this Valentine's Day, Red Candy wants to help you spread the love.

First off, it's always good to get in the bake! Pop on your favourite tunes, that remind you of the one you're baking/creating/cooking for (how lucky they are), and all those loving vibes will make your creation all the sweeter. Also, make sure you're well equipped in the kitchen, here's some culinary-equipment inspiration for you:

  1. Red Heart Kitchen Cloths - Set of 3 was £7.90, now £7.10
  2. Guzzini Love Kitchen Timer was £14.90, now £13.40
  3. Nigella Lawson Measuring Cups was £17.10, now £15.40
  4. Typhoon Apple Heart Apron was £12.90, now £10.40
  5. Sagaform Heart Bowl with Ladle was £32.00, now £22.50
  6. Kenwood kMix Stand Mixer was £369.00, now £332.10
  7. Koziol Mixxx Mixing Bowls - Set of 3 was £38.00, now £15.00
  8. Typhoon Apple Heart Single Oven Glove was £6.70, now £6.00

And now for the tasty bit! We've made ourselves very hungry whilst sourcing some delicious, Valentines-appropriate recipes (you can't say we're not good to you). Below are some of our favourites:

Need we say more? Clue's in the name! One layer would make us swoon, but 3?! Wow, brownie (or cake) points for you! Passion Cake recipe here.
For lighter, sweet treats, what about these delectable gems? Nothing says "I love you" like heart-shaped edibles. Queen of Hearts Tarts recipe here.
We were so distracted by our sweet-tooth, we almost forgot you can actually cook something savoury to eat before the sugary stuff! After looking at many-a-pie, we decided to share this one, it's a little lighter than a rich red-meat pie, so you can indulge in other courses! Chicken Pot Pie recipe here.
I think it's time to toast to the lovebirds (especially the chef)! Raspberry Thyme Tom Collins recipe here.

Let's not forget serving it all up. Set the mood and add those extra touches to the table-setting, if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well! And you've already made all that effort, it would be a shame to pop it on a paper plate...
  1. Guzzini Set of 2 Love Place Settings was £40.00, now £20.00
  2. Red Double Egg Cup was £6.60, now £5.90
  3. Sagaform Club Champagne Glasses - Sets of 2 was £14.00, now £12.60
  4. LSA Light Colour Tealight Holders was £13.50, now £12.20 each
  5. LSA Table Posy was £17.50, now £15.80
  6. LSA Basis Jug was £22.40, now £20.00
  7. Guzzini Love Table Napkin Holder was £18.00, now £11.70
Enjoy it guys! Hang out with those you love the most and have a very happy Valentine's Day! And in the spirit of the occasion, we're gonna give you a kiss, just this once! X
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