Super Graphics

Super Graphics
"Supergraphics was the name of an architectural movement in the 1960s and 70s that saw architects attempt to ‘remove solidity, gravity, even history’ by the simple act of applying paint and graphics to the interior and exterior surfaces of buildings."

I recently read about Barbara Stauffacher Soloman in Creative Review. An interview about her struggles as a pioneer of the Supergraphics movement in the 70s as a woman in the industry and mother at home.

She became disillusioned by this movement when she returned to her studies to realize that the use of Supergraphics back then were being applied to cover compromising land developments with astounding visuals. In many respects this form of deception seems to still be happening today with all manner of products.

(Barbara's work for The Sea Ranch, California, 1966 is shown above)

I found this of interest as the main things we at Red Candy are interested in, is great design as well as great quality. Function will always be the most rewarding aspect of a product regardless of the visual design.
Like Supergraphics, we know the visual design of a product is what sells it especially for an online store, and that's why we make it a moral obligation to go out of our way to find the best designs as well as the best quality and function when it comes to designer homewares.

Food for thought.

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